First blog post

In my life I want to make a difference in the world. I’ve been thinking and I don’t know exactly what I wanna be when Im older. I don’t think I need to know right now though. Do I? That’s a long, long time from now so there’s no point in me deciding right now. I think what I need to do to make a difference in the world is use all 5 mandstances along the way. I think its key in life to keep all 5 mindstances. If I make sure to have Empathy, Flexibility, resistance, persistence, and optimism will help me get a lot in life. I’ve learned about all the 5 mindset stances and what they help with, and what are the disadvantages. So that when I start using the mindset stances more, ill be ready for the disadvantages and the advantages. I’ve learned that at times I’ve forgotten to use all 5 mindstances, which is something Im gonna work on.  I feel like I could do a lot to make a difference , its just I need to remember to do it in a way that’s me. Sometimes i’ll get caught up in stuff and just do what everyone else does. So during my journey in completing my dream, I’m going to make sure that I’ll remember to be me. Me as a person? I’m gonna answer this question very honestly, I know that I’m a nice person, I can be funny, and I’m a good friend. But I don’t want to assume all these things about me cause I don’t know who I am yet. Like yes i know im Casey Davidson but I don’t know who I want to be, Or what kind of person I want to be in the world. So I’m gonna leave that question only half answered. I like being able to trust people, like friends that are there for me no matter what. I dislike fake friends that go behind my back, and don’t actually want to be my friend. I wanna improve my grades and make sure I get all As. My goals is to use all 5 mindstances and keep them in mind throughout life.